Water Conservation
Water conservation is a broad category that covers simple ways to save water at home to
complex, long-term measures taken to preserve water on a larger scale. The importance of water conservation becomes even
more necessary as there is a limited source of freshwater that is beneficial for all human
beings for a Healthy lifestyle. The freshwater available for use is unevenly distributed.
Human activities are polluting the water sources threatening the survival of living beings.
Water is the key to our survival. Covering more than 70% of Earth, this indispensable resource is used for everything from drinking, bathing to even cooking and washing activities. However, despite being surrounded by water, only 1% of the freshwater is actually accessible to mankind for our use as 97% of water is present in oceans, and this saltwater is of no use to us as it is not drinkable. The freshwater that is available for our use is distributed unevenly all over the world. About 2/3 of the world's population still have no access to clean water which is a valuable resource for us. This mere fact emphasizes the need to conserve water. Water conservation comprises all the ways and activities that we could save water at our homes and therefore contribute to saving water on a larger scale in order to preserve it.
It is not mandatory for us to have faced a shortage of water to realize the importance of water conservation. Make sure all the taps are tightly closed when they are not being used. While brushing your teeth, make sure to turn the tap off. While washing cars, clothes, utensils or hands make sure you only use the necessary amount of water and do not waste any water. Collect water and do not let any water get washed away or run down the drains.
Rainwater can get accumulated in the plants for a long time during the rainy season and they can also absorb the moisture present in the air during that time. Hence, they need not be watered during rain.
Do not let any leak be left unattended. Regularly check all the faucets, pipes, and taps for any leaks. Get them fixed as soon as possible to avoid any wastage of water. Do not let any tap remain open as the dripping of water can lead to a loss of a significant amount of water.
We had been out that afternoon touring our campus, learning about the different ways in which water conservation was being implemented. We first started off at the sewage water treatment plant and then we headed towards the incineration machine which was situated near the sewage water treatment plant. After exploring all these setups we visited the nearby lake which was used as ground water recharging purpose.
We had an informative talk given by our Lecturer, Miss.Ramya from Civil Department on
‘Water Conservation’. We gained much information about the availability of water, usage
of water, reusability of water, techniques to conserve water, traditional methods of water
conservation etc.
fig: Informative Talk
Water conservation refers to the preservation of water and its resources through careful planning, control, development, and management of the resource.
Water helps to ensure the security of food resources as the growth of our crops and plants also depend on the water.
We learnt so many things, What are some ways you can conserve water at home, What are some ways you can conserve water at home, Why is water important for us?, those things
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